Friday, November 6, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Says ‘There’s Not Really Boys’ in Her Movie With Amy Schumer

Over the summer we discovered that our imaginary BFFs Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer have become friends in real life, and really, what could be better? Oh, right — it wasn’t long before Lawrence and Schumer revealed that they’re working on a comedy film together. We haven’t heard much more about it since then, though its mere existence has sustained the hopes and dreams of many a J-Amy fan. While we anxiously await this miraculous product of two beautiful minds, Lawrence has a few details to hold us over.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Lawrence offered a little insight into their characters in the untitled project:
Amy, in this movie, she has it very together. It’s her lifelong dream to be a flight attendant. She works at the airport. And I’m a MESS.
It will be fantastic to see both Schumer and Lawrence playing against type. While the latter has tackled flawed and messy characters (mostly for David O. Russell), Schumer is best known for the heightened version of herself she portrays in her standup, similar to her character in Trainwreck — she’s bawdy, bold and highly relatable.
Lawrence also discussed what it was like to work with Schumer on the project:
We both have very similar senses of humor, obviously and aren’t afraid, which is a good and bad thing, because I don’t know what our movie will be rated. And we’re both very blunt. So we’ve gotten through a really strenuous process without ever fighting, because we’re both very straightforward.
And when asked if there would be a romantic element involving men, Lawrence shut that business down real quick:
No, no, no, no, no…There’s not really boys in it.
Tis the season to be thankful, and I am certainly thankful to live in a world where Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer are writing and starring in a movie together in which men will be irrelevant.

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