Wednesday, May 20, 2015

‘The Flash’ Boss Talks Finale Deaths, Season 2 Multiverses and More

The Flash has officially crossed the finish line of his first season with last night’s “Fast Enough,” but Barry Allen’s race is far from over. Following last night’s time-splitting crisis, producers have opened up on the (several!) shocking deaths, where and when Season 2 might pick up, and what DC surprises lie in store.

You’re warned of all the major spoilers for The Flash Season 1 from here on out, but suffice to say, if you’re confused about Barry hopping into a black hole in the final moments of last night’s finale “Fast Enough,” producers aren’t apt to clear up The Flash’s fate just yet. Producer Andrew Kreisberg promised Entertainment Weekly that The Flash’s Season 2 premiere wouldn’t pick up “the way people expect.” but would prove “surprising and entertaining” nonetheless. Well, duh.
In particular, Kreisberg suggested that the singularity above Central City would have ramifications along the same lines of the particle accelerator creating metahumans all around town, which could dovetail with recent suggestions that Season 2 would start to explore the fractured timelines and multiverse frequently associated with Flash comics.
As to the hour’s major deaths, Kreisberg assured that Tom Cavanagh would return as a regular for Season 2, despite the Reverse Flash devolving into his original Eobard Thawne look (Matt Letscher) and being erased from existence by his ancestor Eddie’s sacrificial suicide. Rick Cosnett unfortunately won’t return as a regular for Season 2, but could well pop up down the line, given Arrow’s tendency to return deceased characters, while Kreisberg spoke to the actor’s exit:
As always with these things, they’re literally the worst decisions you can make for yourself personally. We love Rick so much, both professional and personally. In addition to being incredibly talented, he’s such a standup guy and so beloved by everybody on the cast and crew. This wasn’t always the plan, but it was always a possibility. When we named Eddie’s character and gave him the last name of Thawne, there was a whole subset of the audience that believed he was the Reverse Flash, which was intentional. But then we had to live with: Why did he have that name? One of the sad, surprising things about the finale is that for all the good that Barry does, in the end it’s Eddie who saves the day. It’s hard. It’s a terrible decision to have to make.
The Flash’s finale also featured a host of teases for Season 2 and the upcoming spinoff Legends of Tomorrow, including glimpses of the team from the Upfront trailer, Caitlin Snow’s Killer Frost future, and the first canon appearance of Ciara Renee as our future Hawkgirl. Kreisberg has also confirmed that Season 2 will introduce additional speedsters beside Barry, which could well end up related to that mysterious winged hat that flew though the time-portal, unsettling the Reverse Flash.
One mystery lingering however, is that of Robbie Amell’s Ronnie Raymond, who lived through the hour and even married his longtime love Caitlin, yet still seems absent from any of the Legends of Tomorrow promotion. Kresiberg wouldn’t offer a comment on Ronnie’s fate going forward, though Amell himself recently told ComicBookResources that not only was one of Firestorm’s comic transmutation display cut from the finale, but that he’d return in Season 2.
There’s plenty more to suss out regarding The Flash’s first finale, but did “Fast Enough” make for a satisfying conclusion to the CW DC drama? Where can we expect Barry Allen to pick up this fall, after disappearing into a wormhole?

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