Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Liam Neeson Will Fight Some More Bad Guys in ‘A Willing Patriot’

Liam Neeson is a relentless and reliable action hero, whose films in recent years read like Mad Libs — give him a government badge, a leather jacket, a gun and a phone, then take either his family or threaten his country’s freedom, and voila. You have your very own Liam Neeson movie. (No, really — you can write your own. It’s easy.) For his next thrilling heroic adventure, the actor will pursue and fight a terrorist. Spoiler: Liam Neeson will win.

According to Deadline, Neeson is in final negotiations to lead the cast of A Willing Patriot (a phrase that could easily be used to describe every Liam Neeson action hero character), the new action thriller from director Martin Zandvliet. This time around, human action figure Liam Neeson will be given a CIA badge and a mission to track down and stop a terrorist before he can carry out his evil plan. The leather jacket, gun and cell phone are implied. There will also likely be a plane. There is always a plane.
Jason Keller, the writer of Escape Plan and Mirror Mirror, will pen the screenplay for A Willing Patriot, which is expected to announce its domestic release plans at this week’s Cannes film festival.
Neeson is currently filming Silence for Martin Scorsese, and appears in the upcoming Entourage movie as well as Ted 2. He’s also starring in the 2016 fantasy drama film A Monster Calls, where he will defy expectations by playing a tree monster. Do tree monsters wear leather jackets?

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