Sunday, July 26, 2015

‘Gambit’ to Film This Fall, Casting Descriptions Reveal Character Details

Deadpool wasn’t the only character who wasn’t properly represented in X-Men Origins: Wolverine — Gambit was also fairly disappointing in that film, leading many fans to wonder if we’d ever see a decent version of the character on the big screen. We’re finally getting our wish with Channing Tatum in the role of the Cajun mutant, and new info on the film not only reveals that it will begin shooting this fall, but gives us some idea of the players involved.

Showbiz 411 has details on the production, which will film this fall under the code name Chess. We’ve had very little to go on so far — Tatum is starring with Rupert Wyatt directing, based on a treatment by comics writer Chris Claremont and a screenplay by RoboCop remake scribe Josh Zetumer.
But the report reveals a list of character descriptions that, while vague, give us a little bit of an idea about plot:
  • Louis– Male, any ethnicity, 40s-50s. Elegant and intelligent. An appealing entrepreneur with an unexpected dark side.
  • Vera– Female, any ethnicity, mid 20s – early 30s. Beautiful, smart, tough, fiery and unpredictable.
  • Wes– Male, any ethnicity, mid 20s – mid 30s. Aspirational but weak minded. Soulful and sensitive.
  • Fritz– Male, any ethnicity, 40s – 50s. A professional thief. Charismatic con-artist. Warm hearted but untrustworthy.
  • Nash– Male, any ethnicity, mid 20s – early 30s. A potent threat. Heir to his mother’s business. Malevolent.
  • Willhelm– Male, any ethnicity, 30s. Dangerous street criminal. Protective and loyal to his family. Intensely loyal and violent.
It looks as though Gambit will be sort of a crime movie, involving the criminal guilds that were integral to his backstory in the comics. The names don’t seem familiar, but the elements are definitely in place.
Tatum has said that he won’t be appearing in X-Men: Apocalypse, and it’s unclear if Fox intends to introduce his character in another film prior to Gambit’s October 7, 2016 release date.

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