Tuesday, July 7, 2015

‘Prince Charming’ Live-Action Comedy Planned at Disney

Of all the live-action re-imaginings of classic fairy tale properties in the works over at Disney, this is perhaps the most interesting one based on concept alone. The studio has acquired the screenplay for Prince Charming, a live-action comedy which centers on the love interest of many a Disney princess.

That Prince Charming must get around, right? He’s featured in CinderellaSleeping Beauty and Snow White, and although he has different hair and clothes each time, he’s always the same guy — just some generic title given to the man whose rescue of the titular princess isn’t enough to warrant a real name, like John or Gene or Prince Poppycock.
Variety reports that Prince Charming will finally get his very own fairy tale story with the live-action Prince Charming movie, which is said to center not so much on ol’ Charming himself, but his brother. The other Charming sibling is constantly subjected to the nagging of his parents, who are quick to remind him that he’s nowhere near as great as his brother.
That honestly sounds like it has the potential to be quite hilarious, and calls to mind Disney’s Enchanted, the live-action film that subverted and satirized fairy tale conventions, with James Marsden in the princely role.
The screenplay for Prince Charming was written by Matt Folger, who first entered the business working with Phil Lord and Chris Miller on Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs — given his prior experience with the hilarious duo, Prince Charming already seems like a very promising venture.

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