Sunday, September 20, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio Developing 1980s Gangster Drama for Showtime

Poor Leonardo DiCaprio may never get that Oscar, but would an Emmy suffice? The ubiquitous Scorsese star has set his sights on TV, developing a new 1980s gangster drama with Showtime, exploring Wall Street’s influence on the mafia and law enforcement alike.
Per The Hollywood Reporter, Ray Donovan writer Brett Johnson will write the new series, which chronicles “decade-long relationship between an unstable mafia captain and a rogue federal agent, each violating the strict codes of their respective organizations. Set in 1980s Brooklyn, the potential series examines the corrosive power the Wall Street era had on both the mafia and the FBI.”

DiCaprio will executive produce under the Appian Way banner, alongside Johnson, production president Jennifer Davisson, Ray Donovan alum Bryan Zuriff, Charles Pacheco, Jennifer Erwin and Dan Pearson. DiCaprio also has in the works an adaptation of author Simon Toyne’s The Searcher, along with a deal for a Netflix documentary feature.
Showtime already has the Wall Street-driven Billions in the works for 2016, but would a pedigree like DiCaprio prove enough to get an ‘80s gangster drama off the ground? Could the Wolf of Wall Street star even grace us lowly TV fans with his presence?

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