Wednesday, September 30, 2015

‘Sicario’ Director Denis Villeneuve ‘Would Love’ To Make a James Bond Movie

Sam Mendes has already said Spectre will be his last Bond film. So who will pick up the franchise afterwards? One filmmaker is already adding his name to the list of candidates: Denis Villeneuve.
In a recent interview with, the Sicario director was asked about moving away from genre films like Prisoners and Enemy, as well as his upcoming sci-fi film Story of Your Life and his Blade Runner sequel, to make the more action-heavy Emily Blunt drama. Villeneuve said he was excited to take on a film with more action and to move away from the rules tied to genre movies. The French-Canadian director also revealed his love for 007 and his desire add another existing franchise to his resume:

I was raised with James Bond. I love James Bond movies. I would love to do a James Bond movie one day.
Villeneuve would no doubt make an interesting and exciting choice to helm the next installment of the Bond franchise. The director has a penchant for dark, brooding atmospheres and an eye for unraveling the tortured psyche of male leads. His approach to violence in film also makes him a strong contender. The filmmaker added that, for him, action is very cinematic and well-crafted action sequences “can be very poetic and meaningful.”
Villeneuve recently told The Huffington Post that he hates meaningless violence in films. “I’m interested on the impact,” he said of violence. “I’m not interested in the show. I don’t want to make a show of violence.” With that perspective, Villeneuve could keep the elegance of 007 movies alive and add some of his signature bleak intensity. Plus, it could also mean the return of Roger Deakins, Villeneuve’s partner-in-crime and Skyfallcinematographer, to the franchise. We’ll cosign it.

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