Monday, September 28, 2015

Vin Diesel Announces New ‘Fast and Furious’ Trilogy Will End the Franchise

Last week reports surfaced that Universal Pictures was having an exceptionally difficult time finding a director to take on Fast and Furious 8, in part because Vin Diesel can be such a pain in the ass to work with. It was a damning report about the status of one of the most beloved and successful movie franchises, but Diesel himself has taken to his Facebook page to refute some of those claims and update on the status of the next Fast and Furious films.
While we’re all talking about what is going to happen with Fast and Furious 8, as a 2017 release date looms on the horizon, Diesel said that they’re currently planning a new trilogy of films that would bring the series to an end with Fast and Furious X, but, contrary to reports, haven’t even offered a director the job yet.

The fans of the Fast & Furious SAGA are the best fans in the world… Since I became the Producer in 2008, you have been with me every step of the way… literally giving me feedback that proved invaluable. Thank you. My producing partner Neal [Moretz] would love for me to just sign off on a director, but this is too special a franchise, so these matters have to be very carefully handled. To be clear, NO ONE has been offered to helm Fast 8 yet… let alone seen a script. Universal has been so good to me and so trusting of the vision… they have been like family… I promised the studio I would deliver one last Trilogy to end the saga. I will announce the directors on my next post…
Diesel’s next post did not announce the directors as promised but did reiterate they’re working on it:
All weekend long, my producing partner Neal, the Studio and myself have been mapping out the future of our SAGA… All aspects of the trilogy, including the announcement of it’s respective directors, which is only building our excitement.
It’s interesting that they’re mapping out a trilogy, which would presumably have Fast and Furious X open in theaters in 2021, and they’re trying to map out directors of all of those films? That seems like an ambitious plan. Directors fall on and off projects all the time, I can’t imagine trying to find a director who is going to commit to a movie coming out in 2021 that isn’t Star Wars.
Unless, of course, Diesel knows there is one person who will definitely be around to direct when the final installment rolls around. As the top ranked comment on Diesel’s Facebook post says, “Vin, helm Fast 8 yourself. You know what you want for us fans and for yourself. Give it a go. Do it for yourself and do it for Paul. You have what it takes. Go that extra mile. God bless.”
Fast and Furious 8 opens in theaters on April 14, 2017.

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