Saturday, September 5, 2015

‘Batman vs. Superman’ Photos Reveal Angry Superman, Brooding Batman

Just yesterday we got a new look at the Batmobile from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and today brings even more official photos from Zack Snyder’s upcoming superhero showdown. Among them you’ll find a furious Superman, a brooding Batman and a quite lovely Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman.

There’s nothing major revealed in the new photos, which feature Henry Cavill’s Superman, Ben Affleck’s Batman, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman (in civilian dress), Jeremy Irons’ Alfred, Laurence Fishburne’s Perry White, Amy Adams’ Lois Lane and a set photo with Affleck and Snyder. One image gives us a look over Batman’s shoulder at a very angry Superman, presumably in the midst of one of their aggressive encounters, while another shows Affleck’s Bruce Wayne from behind, staring at his Batman suit. We’ve only seen Wonder Woman in full superhero costume a couple of times in the trailers, and here we once again see Gadot in full Diana Prince mode, looking quite lovely.
Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, 2016.

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