Wednesday, September 2, 2015

‘Supergirl’ Casts ‘Salem’ Star Iddo Goldberg as DC’s Red Tornado

short while back, CBS’ Supergirl made known its intent to feature DC android (as well both hero and villain) Red Tornado, and now the character at last has a face. Well, sort of. Salem star Iddo Goldberg will play the android’s creator T.O. Morrow (yeah, we know), and may also have a hand in playing the super-robot himself.
According to, Goldberg will portray Dr. T.O. Morrow in an early episode of Supergirl’s fall run, while Warner Bros. offered an intriguing description of the Red Tornado android:

Red Tornado is the most advanced android the world has ever seen. Designed by scientist T.O. Morrow for the U.S. Army as the ultimate superweapon, he soon becomes sentient, posing a grave danger to National City – including the people Supergirl cares about most.
In the books at least, the amoral Morrow creates the blank-faced android, though the being typically aligns himself on the side of good, at least in the long run. How Goldberg will play both Morrow and Red Tornado (or perhaps just lend a voice) remains to be seen, but we wouldn’t be surprised to have Supergirl’s incarnation split the difference somehow. Shades of Paul Bettany’s Vision, anyone?
Premiering Monday, October 26, so reads the official CBS logline for Supergirl:
SUPERGIRL is an action-adventure drama based on the DC Comics character Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist), Superman’s (Kal-El) cousin who, after 12 years of keeping her powers a secret on Earth, decides to finally embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be. Twelve-year-old Kara escaped the doomed planet Krypton with her parents’ help at the same time as the infant Kal-El. Protected and raised on Earth by her foster family, the Danvers, Kara grew up in the shadow of her foster sister, Alex (Chyler Leigh), and learned to conceal the phenomenal powers she shares with her famous cousin in order to keep her identity a secret.
Years later at 24, Kara lives in National City assisting media mogul and fierce taskmaster Cat Grant (Golden Globe Award winner Calista Flockhart), who just hired the Daily Planet’s former photographer, James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks), as her new art director.
However, Kara’s days of keeping her talents a secret are over when Hank Henshaw (David Harewood), head of a super-secret agency where her sister also works, enlists her to help them protect the citizens of National City from sinister threats. Though Kara will need to find a way to manage her newfound empowerment with her very human relationships, her heart soars as she takes to the skies as Supergirl to fight crime.
Greg Berlanti (“The Flash,” “Arrow”), Ali Adler, Sarah Schecter and Andrew Kreisberg are executive producers for Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. The pilot was directed by Glen Winter (“Arrow”).
In addition, Supergirl features Brit Morgan as Livewire, Chris Browning as Reactron, Peter Facinelli as Maxwell Lord, Owain Yeoman as DC’s Vartox, Iron Man villain Faran Tahir as The Commander, Smash star Jeremy Jordan as Toyman, former Super-stars Dean Cain and Helen Slater as Kara’s adoptive Danvers parents, and Laura Benanti as Kara’s Kryptonian mother Alura.
As with DC’s approach to movies and TV thus far, the new Supergirl series will establish its own independent continuity, outside of Arrow and The Flash, or the inevitable Justice League movie, as CBS boss Nina Tassler previously downplayed the possibility of any CW crossover.
In the meantime, check out the latest Supergirl trailers below, as we count down to the October premiere.

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