Tuesday, April 7, 2015

‘23 Jump Street’ Will Make All Those Crazy Fake Sequels From ‘22 Jump Street’ Official Canon

22 Jump Street might have the funniest end-credits sequence ever, in which directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller effectively ran the franchise into the ground with a series of fake sequels, including Flight School, Medical School and Art School, just to name a few. Here was a sequel no one thought could measure up to a movie no one thought could be that good, and Lord and Miller played on the notion of endless sequels with increasingly absurd ideas to extend their franchise, satisfying studio and fan demands. And now those fake sequels will officially become part of Jump Street cannon for 23 Jump Street.

After that hilarious end-credits sequence, it seemed like Lord and Miller had made a definitive, clever statement about their franchise — what else could they possible do with these characters after college? But thanks to the success of the sequel, a third installment is in the works with Lord and Miller producing. The pair haven’t been confirmed to direct just yet, but we’re not exactly holding our breath.
At their panel for Last Man on Earth at WonderCon (via Slashfilm), Lord and Miller gave an update on 23 Jump Street and talked about all those wacky sequel ideas. As it turns out, they’ve found a way to incorporate those ideas into 23 Jump Street — not only that, but each and every one of those fake movies will be canon, which means that Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill’s characters went on all those insane adventures at some point.
Here’s what Lord said:
We’ve found a way that we love that makes those imagined sequels canonical and yet does something that we haven’t told you about yet. The sequels are canon.
The “something” they haven’t told us about yet is likely the main plot setting for the sequel, which we won’t learn about for some time. Slashfilm does have an interesting idea: perhaps the guys are going to film school, which would give them a reason to make all those fake sequels. That’s definitely an awesome thought.

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