Sunday, April 5, 2015

‘Guardians of the Galaxy 2′ Begins Production in February of 2016

Writer-director James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy was a critical and commercial success, propelling the creator of oddball indie favorites Slither and Super to cult classic status. His original horror script The Belco Experiment received a green light at MGM with Gunn aboard as producer and he’s currently working on the story for a little thing called Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
Gunn has been keeping his fans up to date via social media – as he’s wont to do – and recently offered details on the progress of his big Marvel sequel. Gunn shared via the social media broadcasting app Periscope that his treatment is now complete, and that he now has the first 70 pages of the script mapped out.
Gunn has again taken to Periscope (via CBM) to follow up his previous Q&A with a few more updates, most notably that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will begin production in February of 2016 and will shoot at Pinewood Atlanta Studios rather than London, where the first GoTG was filmed.
The move to Atlanta Pinewood follows the productions of Ant-Man and Captain America: Civil War, and the February 2016 start date appears to be in line with Guardians of the Galaxy 2‘s scheduled release in May of 2017. Given the number of British extras and featured players in the first film, the move to Atlanta could bring a distinct change in tone in the background of some scenes.

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