Thursday, April 2, 2015

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’: Rumored Villain Details Emerge

With the reveal that the second Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer is right around the corner, fans are hoping for some clarity on the events of the seventh installment in the saga. Over the past few months, the rumor mill for J.J. Abrams’ new film has been running at full force, as speculation on everything from possible flashback sequences to opening scene details to main character details have gone public for moviegoers to theorize over. Even if Abrams says some of the information out there isn’t true, it hasn’t stopped viewers from having endless discussions.

But even with the endless stream of rumors coming out, there are still plenty of aspects of Episode VII we don’t have a clear idea about. For example, let’s look at the film’s villains. We know that Kylo Ren (the cross guard lightsaber wielder from the teaser) is looking like he’s the big bad, but he’s hardly working alone, and details about his allies have been scarce. Now, thanks to another batch of rumors, we may have a clearer picture on the new evildoers in the galaxy far, far away.
Making Star Wars (the premiere source for Force Awakens rumors, it seems) is back at it with their fresh report. Even though this can be classified as a RUMOR (and should be taken with a grain of salt), those wishing to avoid any and all information about the new Star Wars film should stop reading now.

According to Making Star Wars‘ sources, the movie will feature three new villains. The aforementioned Kylo Ren is called the main villain, and will have the most screen time out of the trio. Andy Serkis (whose voice was heard in the teaser) is portraying a character referred to as “Uber.” He will be in about three scenes total. Gwendoline Christie’s Captain Phasma is described by them as a “Boba Fett type”meaning that she will look cool, but not have much to do in Force Awakens. Allegedly, she is just being introduced and will have her role expanded in Episode VIII.
In all honesty, this shouldn’t come as a great shock to any Star Wars fan. The new movie will have its hands full setting up a new group of protagonists to follow, while catching us up with some old friends. Any Star Wars film is going to need evil, but it’s hard to see Abrams dedicating too much time to the villains now. In a way, this is similar to the original trilogy, where Darth Vader was the chief villain in the first film, before other characters (like the Emperor) were fleshed out as the series went along. A slow build-up makes sense in that regard.

In their report, Making Star Wars also briefly mentions Domhnall Gleeson’s character, who is allegedly called “The General” and is considered to be an Imperial officer of some kind. He will work for Uber in the film. In contrast to what was previously rumored, “The General” is NOT the son of Luke Skywalker, and any relationship he has with the other characters is unknown at this point.
As was the case with the other Star Wars rumors, these potential details will serve as interesting food for thought for fans desperate to know more about the film. Taking everything into account, they certainly sound plausible, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Hopefully the new trailer will continue to separate fact from fiction, just as the teaser did last fall.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be in theaters December 18, 2015.

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