Friday, June 5, 2015

‘Daredevil’ Season 2 Targets Jason Statham as Bullseye, Plus Spider-Man Villain Ahead

Marvel’s Netflix Daredevil gave us a small peek under the mask with news that iconic assassin Elektra might throw her sais in Season 2, but the comic company may have hit a much bigger target. Marvel has reportedly set its sights on Jason Statham as Daredevil antagonist Bullseye, while the Man Without Fear’s second season may also set up a major Spider-Man connection.

Take this all with a grain of salt for now, though Latino Review suggests that Statham has been meeting with Marvel executives amid the Spy press tour to discuss the role of Bullseye, having been associated with the possibility before Marvel re-acquired the rights, when 20th Century Fox mulled a cinematic reboot. No talks have yet been confirmed, though Statham has reportedly been observed spending time with Marvel brass.
In addition to Statham’s potential role as Bullseye (a few easter eggs foreshadowed the charcter in Season 1, while ex-showrunner Steven DeKnight had discussed a potential  appearance in Season 2), the report also lists some intriguing antagonists to menace Matt Murdock in 2016. Marvel’s Mister Fear has been suggested as a possibility (which incarnation remains unclear), while noted Spidey villain Mysterio has also been brought forth, another potential indication that Marvel intends to layer in Spider-Man mythology before the character’s formal debut in Captain America: Civil War.
Thus far of Daredevil Season 2, we know that Rosario Dawson has been confirmed to reprise her role as Claire Temple, while Doug Petrie and Marco Ramirez will take over showrunning duties from Spartacus vet Steven S. DeKnight, with Drew Goddard remaining onboard as a consultant. DeKnight had previously spoken to the likelihood of including Elektra or Bullseye in any potential Season 2, wanting the first year to focus on Matt’s conflict with Wilson Fisk .
It was about this time last year we first learned that Charlie Cox would take the title role, so might an official Elektra or Bullseye announcement for Netflix’s Daredevil arrive before long? Is Jason Statham the man for the job? What other famous Daredevil (or Spider-Man) characters could pop up when Season 2 bows in 2016?

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