Friday, June 19, 2015

Channing Tatum’s Gambit Will Not Show Up in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’

Although it’s been rumored that Channing Tatum’s Gambit and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine might appear in X-Men: Apocalypse, we now have confirmation that one of them will definitely not be showing up after all. According to Channing Tatum, you shouldn’t get your hopes up about a Gambit cameo in Bryan Singer’s upcoming sequel.

Singer himself had planted the suggestion in the minds of X-Men fans, hinting that we might see Tatum’s Gambit make an appearance, but during Tatum’s delightful AMA on Reddit, he shot that idea down pretty quickly. When a fan asked Tatum about the possibility of an appearance in Apocalypse, the actor simply replied:
No ma’am, or sir. I definitely will not.
Slashfilm dug up some more choice quotes, including Tatum’s support of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt, who recently signed on to helm the Gambit standalone film:
we finally found someone that I really do believe wants to make Gambit, it will be the second standalone character. And i just really think because Gambit is not the most popular or the biggest hero, I think there’s a really unique opportunity. Marvel’s done a lot of great movies that have made a ridiculous amount of money, and it’s always good to figure how to change the form.
And for the heck of it, in case you were wondering what the heck happened with Jupiter Ascending, Tatum is just as confused as the rest of you:
Jupiter Ascending? What was that?
Channing Tatum:
Great question. I have the same one to myself.

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