Wednesday, August 5, 2015

That Insane ‘Sleepy Hollow’ and ‘Bones’ Crossover Moved Up to Halloween

Not that either couldn’t use the publicity, but the notion of FOX’s supernatural Sleepy Hollow crossing over with the science-minded Bones struck an odd note for fans of either series. The network had originally though to stage the two-hour event later in the season, perhaps even 2016, but has apparently gotten jazzed up enough to move the crossover as early as Halloween.

The original announcement noted that Bones and Sleepy Hollow had eyed their crossover for the fall in the first place, before relocating to midseason, where now TVLine reports that both sides will air back-to-back on Thursday, October 29. Sleepy Hollow returns for its slightly-revamped third season on October 1, along with Bones in its impressive 11th year.
Mum’s the word on what exactly brings the two casts together, or specifically what actors from either Bones or Sleepy Hollow will cross over with whom, though we’re given to understand that “EPs at both shows have an inventive idea in place that organically merges the vastly different Bones and Sleepy universes.” Sure, guys.

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