Monday, June 29, 2015

‘Terminator’ Bosses Eye TV Series for Cable With 13-Episode Order

Long before Terminator Genisys started turning its promotional wheels, Paramount shared plans for a (second) Terminator TV series to maintain ties to the movie franchise. Now only days from Genisys’ release, Skydance bosses David Ellison and Dana Goldberg discuss development of the TV branch, placing odds on a cable order of 13 episodes.

‘Ghostbusters’ First Look: Director Paul Feig Shares Photo of New Ghost-Busting Costumes

Ghostbusters is currently filming in Boston, but aside from the occasional paparazzi photo, we haven’t seen anything official from the upcoming reboot. That all changed today as director Paul Feig tweeted out a photo of the new costumes that will be worn by the leading ladies, and they look pretty great.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

‘South Park’ Creators Talk Renewal Beyond 2016

However infrequently South Park arrives each year, many begin to wonder how much longer the talents of Trey Parker and Matt Stone will keep the series in play at Comedy Central. We’ve certainly been through some reassurance before, but will the 20th season in 2016 mark the official end? Says Parker, “They have to f—ing cancel us, goddammit!”
Despite a reduction of episodes from seven and seven chunks to ten straight per season, as well the creation of Parker and Stone’s Important Studios, neither seems particularly apt to bring South Park to a close after its last-contracted run in 2016. Speaking with IGN at E3 over the next installment of South Park video games, both Parker and Stone joked that while the inevitable series finale might lack steam, they wouldn’t walk away from the series until Comedy Central forced them to:
Parker: I think it’s going to end with a fizzle, for sure. I think it’s just going to end with some dud, and we’re gonna go, ‘F*** this, man,’ and walk away.
Stone: Some sort of whimper. Either drop the mic, get sued, get thrown off television – something like that.
Parker: Yeah, we’ve thought that for 18 years. We’re like, ‘Okay, well, they’re going to cancel us, for sure!’ We’ve been waiting to get canceled for 18 f***ing years.
Stone: We won’t stop until we get canceled. We’re renewing. They have to f***ing cancel us, goddammit!
Granted, the joking banter might not represent their exact future intentions, South Park seems safely cleared for the immediate future. Will the landmark series always have something to say, or end with a whimper in some far-flung future, as Parker and Stone say?

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Stormtrooper Figures Explain First Order Origins

One of the big exclusive action figures you can get at Comic-Con this year is the very first toy from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s a six-inch Black Series First Order Stormtrooper — and it looks pretty sleek. But what is the “First Order,” anyway? Some new packaging details have surfaced online to help explain.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

‘Gotham’ Season 2 Adds a Tigress and a Homicidal Cannibal

Troubled though FOX’s Gotham may be, Season 2 has set some strong talent to help facilitate Bruce Wayne’s batty origins. Following the addition of one major big bad, Gotham Season 2 has cast both Jessica Lucas in the role of DC’s Tigress, as well as The Goldbergs star Dustin Ybarra in a recurring role as a hungry new villain.

Tyrese Gibson Teases ‘Green Lantern’ Casting Announcement, Comic-Con Appearance

Rumors have been circulating for some time now (even as recent as the past week) that Warner Bros.’ new Green Lantern movie will focus on not one, but multiple Green Lanterns, in keeping with the comics. Chris Pine has been rumored for the role of Hal Jordan since last year, but Fast and Furious star Tyrese Gibson has been lobbying for a role in WB’s reboot as well. It looks like he may have gotten it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Comic-Con 2015: ‘Game of Thrones’ Sets Friday Panel With Seth Meyers

As if Comic Con 2015’s Friday schedule in Hall H weren’t enough of a bloodbath between Star Wars: The Force Awakens and The Walking Dead, in comes Game of Thrones for the (gratuitous and controversial) kill. HBO’s flagship drama will again ascend Comic-Con’s throne with a full panel, this time hosted by Seth Meyers.

‘Stoker’ Director Park Chan-wook Begins Production on Lesbian Drama ‘Fingersmith’

It was reported last year that Korean director Park Chan-wook had signed on to direct his second English-language film, but it seems that project will have to wait a little longer. The director has begun production on his next film, Fingersmith, based on the 2002 crime novel by Sarah Waters. Although that novel is written in English, Chan-wook’s film will be in Korean.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Network of Bad Choices may have today canceled Hannibal, but don’t you worry your pretty brains about Heroes Reborn! Elaborate prank or otherwise, the revived NBC series at least has a new teaser (absent any actual Heroes), as well as a firm September premiere date set by today’s announcements. So, where are all the Heroes, you ask?

‘Hannibal’ Cancellation Update: Bryan Fuller Talks New Home, Clarice Starling in Season 4

The cancellation of NBC’s Hannibal left us shocked, shocked (well, not that shocked), though given the climate of revivals and rescues, it seemed resoundingly likely the darkly delicious drama might find a new home. Now, series creator Bryan Fuller and producers are on the hunt for a new network, while long-standing rights issues with Clarice Starling may have impacted Season 4’s chances.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Reportedly Eyes Kenneth Branagh to Return as Director

Just a few days ago, it was reported that 20th Century Fox wants Kenneth Branagh to direct their upcoming remake of Murder on the Orient Express, but it seems like another major studio is also interested in acquiring his services: Marvel reportedly wants the Thor director to return for Thor: Ragnarok. Decisions, decisions.

Rihanna Parties with Karim Benzema at Same Nightclub as Chris Brown

Rihanna and rumored boyfriend, soccer player Karim Benzema, stepped out in Hollywood Friday night, only to end up at the same club as the singer's ex,Chris Brown

Rihanna and Benzema, who plays for Real Madrid, were spotted entering West Hollywood nightclub Hooray Henry's separately on Friday. Brown was seen entering the nightclub as well. 

‘Game of Thrones’ Body Double Who Performed Cersei’s Naked Walk of Shame

One of the most harrowing moments of the Season 5 Game of Thrones finale (of which, there were many) was Cersei’s walk of shame as the Queen Mother was forced to walk, naked, through the streets of King’s Landing as punishment for confessing adultery with her cousin, Lancel Lannister. It was a powerful scene, one that sparked immediate appreciation for actress Lena Headey’s performance. But, there’s someone else who should also get some credit: body double Rebecca Van Cleave, who actually performed the walk naked on set.

‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Gets New Costume Designer

For five seasons now, Game of Thrones has labored tirelessly to imbue every one of its costumes with such elaborate detail as to enrich the world of Westeros, even as knives rip through every layer, but it seems a change is in store for Season 6. Game of Thrones’ Emmy-nominated costume designer has stepped down after five years, leaving the HBO epic to bring in a veteran Jurassic World designer in her place.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Channing Tatum’s Gambit Will Not Show Up in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’

Although it’s been rumored that Channing Tatum’s Gambit and Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine might appear in X-Men: Apocalypse, we now have confirmation that one of them will definitely not be showing up after all. According to Channing Tatum, you shouldn’t get your hopes up about a Gambit cameo in Bryan Singer’s upcoming sequel.

‘Hannibal’ Reveals the Living and Dead Pieces of His Past in ‘Secondo’

Acceptance, understanding, forgiveness…betrayal. These are necessary components in every relationship — they are not always pleasant and not always kind, but without them love is not capable of existing. Just as Will began to understand Hannibal’s twisted affection for him with last week’s bloody valentine, so does Will begin to understand his own affection for Hannibal this week. Just like any relationship, the results are exceedingly complex.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Kiefer Sutherland Confirms He Won’t Return for More ‘24’

Revival-happy though TV has become, the middling success of 24: Live Another Day has cooled interest in an immediate followup, the latest rumors suggesting FOX might revive the franchise with a new male lead. That seems to be the case now, as Kiefer Sutherland says he wouldn’t return for another full-time 24 gig.

‘Game of Thrones’ Creator, Producer and Star on Whether THAT Character Really Died

Game of Thrones finales are always among the most intense of the bunch, killing off characters left and right. Last night’s “Mother’s Mercy” was no different … right up until what appeared to be the biggest death of the entire series. Now, creator George R.R. Martin, producers and the actor in question all give their take on whether or not that character really bought the big one.
You’re warned of every Game of Thrones spoiler under the sun (or snow) from here on out, but suffice to say, Jon Snow’s prognosis doesn’t look good. The final minutes of last night’s “Mother’s Mercy” saw Jon led outside with claims of a Wildling’s news about Benjen Stark, before Jon’s sworn brothers all plunged a dagger into their leader’s gut, claiming their actions “For the Watch.” The final shot of the season saw Jon bleeding out wide-eyed in the snow, looking pretty … well, dead, but might we be in for some misdirection?
Entertainment Weekly spoke to Kit Harington himself, who despite news of his Season 6 contract leaking last year, seemed to indicate beyond any reproach that “I won’t be back next season.”:
This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, “Look, you’re gone, it’s done.” And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.
Meanwhile, producer Dan Weiss seemingly confirmed the kill as well, speaking more to the pressure of eliminating ambiguity from scenes like Ned Stark’s death in Season 1:
Dead is dead. […] We would hope that after seeing the scene and the way it’s shot that the answer to that will be unambiguous in the minds of the people watching it. It should be pretty clear what happens in by the time you’re done seeing that scene. It’s not an, ‘Oh what just happened scene?’
Readers of George R.R. Martin’s books have been similarly left in darkness, as the final Jon Snow chapter of The Winds of Winter originated the Jon Snow stabbing sequence, which itself ended on the somewhat more ambiguous note of Jon passing out. We’ve heard a great deal of Martin attempting to distance his own work from that of the HBO adaptation, though Martin at least offered a much more hopeful take on Jon’s fate:
Oh, you think he’s dead, do you? My readers should know better than to take anything as gospel. […] If there’s one thing we know in A Song of Ice and Fire is that death is not necessarily permanent.
Should Weiss and Harington be staging a Khan-level fakeout (Harington also discussed taking work outside of GoT), any number of avenues might explain Jon Snow’s survival, or if need be, resurrection. On the one hand, Lady Melisandre had just returned to the Wall, seemingly in need of a new messiah, while we’ve plenty of Wights, White Walkers and Weirwood trees to remind us that dead isn’t necessarily dead. Leaked photos of Jon Snow’s fate from late last week also seemed to show the character’s eyes “Warg”-ing over, though it remains unclear if the twist was cut, or the photos otherwise doctored to mislead.
There’s no telling which way the pendulum swings, with the majority of Martin’s published books already adapted, and it may be a while yet before we learn the absolute truth of Jon Snow’s fate. Should Jon prove as integral to the endgame of the books as many fans believe, can the HBO series really endure without one of its most iconic leads?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

‘Transformers 5’ Star Mark Wahlberg Thinks Michael Bay Will Return to Direct

Not long after Transformers: Age of Extinction hit theaters last year, director Michael Bay revealed that he wasn’t planning on directing another installment in the franchise. Instead, he’d pass that honor down to someone else. Since then, we’ve heard rumors that Bay may have changed his mind, as he’s prone to do, and he’ll likely return to direct Transformers 5. One person who is returning for the fifth film is Mark Wahlberg, and he seems to have just confirmed those rumors.

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: A Complete Look at Mondo’s ‘Jurassic Park’ Gallery Show

Few things get the geeky synapses firing quite like a Mondo Gallery.
The company behind the most in-demand nerd art on the internet has hosted a lot of very cool shows in their Austin, Texas art gallery, but their latest is bound to give you a nice punch in the nostalgia. As the name implies, “When Dinosaurs Rule the Earth” is all about Jurassic Park, and it features art that runs the gamut from direct recreations of iconic scenes to abstract pieces that use Steven Spielberg’s classic as a basic jumping-off point. And yes, you can peruse the complete gallery below!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

New ‘Ant-Man’ Posters Include Some ‘Avengers’ Cameos

Marvel needs all the help it can get in promoting Ant-Man, a superhero who’s not nearly as well known as Captain America, Thor and Iron Man. So, how do you give the film a boost? Well, you call in some help from Captain America, Thor and Iron Man.
In a new series of posters, the diminutive hero appears alongside the Iron Man armor, Captain America’s shield and Thor’s hammer, with a variation on the new Ant-Man tagline “No Shield. No Armor. No Problem.” (plus a reminder that this movie is, yes, from the studio that brought you The Avengers).
If there is an Ant-Man awareness problem, it can only help to tie it to the biggest movies of the year and one of the biggest movies of all-time. Of course, there might be something slightly deceptive about a movie poster that features a huge image of Iron Man and a tiny, little Ant-Man (especially for younger kids, who don’t get the finer points of studio marketing), but Marvel gotta do what they gotta do.
You can check out the three new posters below along with a new Ant-Man TV spot that also name drops The Avengers when Scott Lang asks Hank Pym, “Shouldn’t we just call The Avengers?” Looks like they already have.
Ant-Man opens in theaters on July 17.

Marvel’s ‘Doctor Strange’ Casts Chiwetel Ejiofor as Baron Mordo

Several months after we first learned he was being eyed for a role in Marvel’s Doctor Strange, we finally know who Oscar nominee Chiwetel Ejiofor will play in the upcoming superhero adventure. And yes, everyone guessed right: the 12 Years a Slave star will take on the role of Baron Mordo, Stephen Strange’s arch-nemesis and fellow student of the mystic arts.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6: First Photo Reveals Corey Hawkins as Heath

The Walking Dead has kept quiet since the close of Season 5, letting its upcoming companion series shoulder most of the load, but with Comic-Con 2015 on the horizon, the mothership AMC horrorfest has its first photo and casting. Literally Straight Outta Compton, star Corey Hawkins joins The Walking Dead Season 6 as comic character Heath.

‘The Stand’ Heading to Showtime for Eight-Part Miniseries to Lead in to Feature Film

Josh Boone’s adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand grows ever more ambitious — what started as a simple feature-length film (no way that could work), evolved into plans for multiple films, and now an additional eight-part miniseries on Showtime. Yes, Warner Bros. is reportedly partnering with the premium network for the series, which will serve as a prequel of sorts to lead up to the feature film.

Friday, June 5, 2015

‘Daredevil’ Season 2 Targets Jason Statham as Bullseye, Plus Spider-Man Villain Ahead

Marvel’s Netflix Daredevil gave us a small peek under the mask with news that iconic assassin Elektra might throw her sais in Season 2, but the comic company may have hit a much bigger target. Marvel has reportedly set its sights on Jason Statham as Daredevil antagonist Bullseye, while the Man Without Fear’s second season may also set up a major Spider-Man connection.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Report: Marvel TV Courts ‘Hulk’ Prequel, ‘Jessica Jones’ Crossover, ‘Doctor Strange’ and More

Marvel’s TV universe has long-proven rocky to chart against the cinematic ventures, with crossovers often occurring at face value, if at all. Now, a new report suggests that the TV branch may court a larger presence in the next few years, including new series outside of ABC and Netflix, a Doctor Strange crossover with The Defenders, and perhaps even a long-awaited Black Widow project.

Sony Hack Documentary in the Works From the Filmmakers Behind ‘The Square’

If it’s major news, it’s bound to become a movie of some sort, and last year’s massive Sony hacking scandal is definitely major news. Or was, anyway. The hack reportedly motivated by Sony’s release of the Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy The Interview will now be the subject of a new documentary from the filmmakers behind the Oscar-nominated documentary The Square.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Eli Roth’s ‘The Green Inferno’ Has Emerged From the Jungle With a Release Date

For a little while there, The Green Inferno looked like it was dead, buried and gone for good. Now, Eli Roth’s cannibal horror movie has finally emerged from whatever distribution hell was keeping it down. It has a release and everything! Sure, it’ll open in theaters after his fifth film, Knock Knock, has come and gone, but that’s better than nothing, right?
Roth, best known for directing Cabin Fever, the Hostel films, and playing “the Bear Jew” in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Bastards, took to Facebook reveal the new and official release date for The Green Inferno: September 25, 2015.

Ariana Grande reveals title of next album

Social media has become an integral part of the album rollout—just look to A$AP Rocky’s Instagram account where he painstakingly uploaded a mural of images that comprised of the artwork to A.L.LA. However, one artist is using it in a new way: Instead of announcing her next album plans to all of her followers first, Ariana Grande took a more personal approach.