Sunday, August 30, 2015

The ‘Gotham’ Gang is (Almost) All Here in Full Season 2 Cast Photos

Gotham hasn’t proven particularly shy with the lion’s share of Season 2 footage and teasers, but at least a few faces have been missing from its city streets. No longer, as the full character gallery for Gotham Season 2 brings Two-Face, Lucius Fox and more back into the fold, along with some new menace for our future Batman.

Former Spider-Man Andrew Garfield Really Pushed for a Marvel Crossover

Ever since Sony and Marvel finally reached an agreement to combine forces for the future good of Spider-Man (thus allowing the web-slinger to crossover into the MCU), the studios have been at the receiving end of a lot of questions from fans. But they’re not the only ones — now that he’s no longer playing Spider-Man, everyone wants to know what Andrew Garfield thinks about all of this. Not only is he thrilled, but as it turns out, he was a big advocate for a Marvel crossover.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Steve Carell Replaces Bruce Willis in Woody Allen’s Next Film, Which Sounds About Right

A few days ago we learned that Bruce Willis had abruptly exited Woody Allen’s upcoming untitled project, less than 24 hours after photos showed Willis filming a scene on set. Willis’ departure caused a bizarre amount of speculation, with rumors circulating about his commitments to Misery on Broadway, though the most likely reason for Willis leaving was that he just wasn’t right for the part. It seems as though Allen has already found his replacement, and all is right in the Woody Allen universe.

‘Suicide Squad’ Wraps Production With Massive Cast and Crew Photo

Captain America: Civil War isn’t the only major superhero film that wrapped principal production this week — Bryan Singer completed his primary work on X-Men: Apocalypse, and David Ayer also finished the principal work on Suicide Squad. To celebrate, Ayer grabbed (almost) the entire cast along with much of the crew for one big photo.

Michael B. Jordan in Talks for ‘Blood Brothers’ Vampire Action-Comedy

Although he recently appeared in the not-so-great Fantastic Four, the experience hasn’t put Michael B. Jordan off the idea of starring in another comic book movie — this time it might be Blood Brothers, a vampire buddy action-comedy that would be much, much different from his most recent outing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

‘The Flash’ Season 2 Casts a Jesse Quick, Firestorm Villain And More

We don’t yet have a proper trailer for The Flash Season 2, just a few photos and teasers, but that hasn’t stopped Barry Allen’s world from filling up with new faces. Not only will another speedster enter the mix in DC’s Jesse Quick, we’ll also meet Firestorm baddie Tokamak, and revisit a familiar character from the first season.

Comic Strip: The Set of ‘Suicide Squad’ is Pretty Much a Big Party Now

ScreenCrush’s Comic Strip is a weekly roundup of the hottest superhero movie/TV news items. From Marvel to DC and points in between, if it pertains to costumed comic book heroes, we’re covering it here, bringing you our expert analysis. This week, explore the party that is the Suicide Squad set, ponder some odd Michael Shannon comments, and parse the latest Marvel movie news.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

New ‘Deadpool’ Photo Lets the Merc With a Mouth Defy Gravity

The tide of Deadpool images and promotional materials has slowed down to a bit of a trickle, which may be a good thing considering that the film doesn’t even hit theaters until February — and we’ve already seen so, so much from it. But 20th Century Fox has released a new, very cool image today, featuring the Merc With a Mouth flying through the air like an action hero badass.
That’s a shot you’ll recognize from the trailers, with Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool soaring through the air while shooting at baddies. It’s one of the highlights of the trailer, though personally I am partial to watching Deadpool make violent doodles with crayons while listening to Salt-N-Pepa. If that were the entire film, I’d be okay with it.
But it’s not:
Based upon Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero, Deadpool tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life.
Deadpool also stars T.J. Miller as Weasel, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Morena Baccarin as Copycat, Gina Carano as Angel Dust and Ed Skrein as Ajax. The film hits theaters on February 12, 2016.

‘Jurassic World’ in 90 Seconds With LEGOs Is Pretty Hilarious

Not only is this LEGO recreation of Jurassic World very well-made, but it’s awesomely funny, and, well pretty spot-on. It’s kind of amazing that the essential plot points of the film can be boiled down to 90 seconds — even dismissing the humorous angle, this video’s got a point: Jurassic World is not all that complex to begin with.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

‘X-Files’ 2016: Mulder, Scully and Skinner Reunite

Still a ways off in 2016, FOX’s X-Files event series revival has kept classified most of its footage and photos, but fans needn’t wait any longer for the reunion between FBI Assistant Director Skinner and his two weirdest agents. See the holy X-Files trinity reunite in a new photo of Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny and Mitch Pileggi!

‘Masters of the Universe’ Taps ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Scribe to Rewrite Screenplay

It’s been a while since we had an update on Sony’s Masters of the Universe reboot / revival / whatever. Last we heard, Kick-Ass 2 writer / director Jeff Wadlow had completed a script, while G.I. Joe: Retaliation director Jon M. Chu departed the project. While the film is still in development without a director, Sony has brought on Thor: Ragnarok scribe Christopher Yost to rewrite the screenplay.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hugh Jackman Teases Possible ‘Wolverine 2’ Plots, Berserker Rage

A couple of weeks ago, Hugh Jackman revealed a teaser image for The Wolverine 2 on Twitter and asked fans what they’d like to see in the new sequel. It’s Jackman’s last outing as the beloved X-Men character, and it makes sense that the actor would want to deliver the best possible story for Logan yet. We know the plot is (somewhat) based on Mark Millar’s Old Man Logan comic, but as Jackman reveals, there were a couple of things in particular that his fans really want to see.

‘Gotham’ Season 2 to Face Off Against Another Firefly

FOX’s Gotham has been reticent to use more notable Batman villains in recurring roles (instead making near everyone a series regular), but the FOX DC drama will burn one off for its its take on Firefly. The flaming Bat-baddie will blaze through Gotham for a short Season 2 arc, but is it another setup for decades down the line?

‘Hannibal’ Is the Worst Ex-Boyfriend Ever in ‘...And the Beast From the Sea’

I’ve stayed quiet about Hannibal since the Red Dragon arc began — this half of the season has been slowly simmering and less surreally theatric than the first half. It’s not that it hasn’t been interesting, but there’s been less meat on its bones to chew over. Not so with “…And the Beast From the Sea,” in which Hannibal Lecter essentially proves why you should never break up with him.

Disney Reveals Details on ‘The Iron Man Experience,’ Their First Marvel Theme Park Attraction

The Iron Man Experience was first announced back in 2013 as a new attraction for Hong Kong Disneyland — yes, that means unless you want to pony up the cash for a vacation to China, you won’t get to hang out in Stark Tower. Yesterday at D23, the studio revealed some concept art and new details about the immersive experience of their first Marvel attraction.

Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Straight Outta Compton’ Dominates ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’

Every time a movie about and for audiences who aren’t white and male does well, everyone acts like it’s a big surprise. “Black people and women like movies? Who’da thunk it?” It’s actually not surprising at all that Straight Outta Compton had a massive opening, handily defeating its more standard competition. Because all kinds of people like movies and when you make movies for all kinds of people, you end up with huge weekends at the box office.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Disney's Live-Action Jungle Book Looks Beautiful And Fun

Earlier today, we showcased the first ever poster for Jon Favreau’s upcoming The Jungle Book, which gave us a close-up look at the brand new live-action versions of some truly legendary literary characters. That, however, is not the full extent of the preview that we received this morning, as Disney showed off an entire sizzle reel from the 2016 blockbuster. 

‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ Reveals First Official Photo, Mads Mikkelsen and Alan Tudyk Join Cast

Following a week of new details from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we knew we had another big day of news in store from the franchise, as the Star Wars portion of today’s D23 panel has offered lots of new details on the upcoming films. Disney and Lucasfilm have released the first official photo from Star Wars: Rogue One, and they’ve announced their latest cast members: Alan Tudyk and Hannibal star Mads Mikkelsen.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Zootopia Casts Shakira, Get The Details

Pumping out hit after hit – ranging from Wreck-It Ralph to Frozen – Walt Disney Animation seems primed to continue their success with the upcoming Zootopia. Already boasting a star-studded cast – including Ginnifer Goodwin and Jason Bateman – Disney has just announced a new, exotic addition to the anthropomorphic ensemble.

NBC’s ‘Heroes Reborn’ Has Already Killed One of the Franchise’s Biggest Characters

Heroes Reborn has plenty of backstory to fill in between the four-year gap of Heroes’ fourth season finale and our October premiere, but already one of the series’ biggest characters has fallen. Only a few past cast members will reprise their roles for Heroes Reborn, but which hero surprisingly bit the big one in the interim?

‘Predator’ Producer Says Shane Black’s Sequel Will ‘Reinvent the Franchise’

Last year we heard that Shane Black had signed on to write and direct a new Predator sequel, but things have been pretty quiet since that news broke. Black is currently working on a western series for Amazon with Fred Dekker, his co-writer on the Predator project and the man behind horror classic The Monster Squad. If you were curious about the status of the Predator sequel, the producer of the upcoming film assures fans that it’s still happening, and you should get excited for it.

Friday, August 14, 2015

‘Heroes Reborn’ Upped to Two-Hour Premiere, Additional Seasons Possible

We’ll admit that the first trailer for NBC’s Heroes Reborn made the series seem less laughable than a Heroes revival in principle alone, but the network has even more confidence in its superhero drama’s second round. Not only has the September premiere doubled in size, bumping The Blacklist, but we may yet get a second season.

‘Batman vs. Superman’ Rumor: This Is the DC Villain Wonder Woman Is Fighting

One of the most notable moments in the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailers is the scene in which Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman zips across the screen before stopping in front of the camera, apparently in mid-battle. But who is she fighting, exactly? Is she caught up in a fight between Superman and Batman, or is she fighting her own battle? We may know the answer.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

‘Game of Thrones’ George R.R. Martin Compares ‘Bittersweet’ Series End to ‘Lord of the Rings’

Now that HBO’s Game of Thrones will officially outpace George R.R. Martin’s books (unless you wanna throw Winds of Winter at us in March, George), fans can’t help looking toward the inevitable series’ end. And while Martin wouldn’t dare spoil any early details, the author at least assures us not everyone will die horrible apocalyptic deaths.

‘Arrow’s ‘Constantine’ Crossover Confirmed to Return Sara, More New Details

Arrow Season 4 shocked and delighted DC fans with news that Warner Bros. had actually approved Matt Ryan‘s now-canceled Constantine to crop up in Starling City for a crossover, many speculating what would bring the demon-fighter into Oliver Queen’s world. Now, new details confirm that Constantine will have a hand in Sara Lance’s pre-Legends resurrection, among other surprises.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Spider-Man Might Wear Two Different Costumes in ‘Captain America: Civil War’

Before he stars in his own solo film for Sony, Tom Holland will make his big Spider-Man debut for Marvel in next spring’s Captain America: Civil War. Though neither film will tell Spider-Man’s origin, Holland’s Spidey will be young and inexperienced; the better to contrast with the more adult heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A young and inexperienced Peter Parker also potentially means a poorly dressed one; what kind of 15-year-old kid knows how to make an incredibly intricate superhero costume with multiple colors and webs and such?

FOX’s ‘Minority Report,’ ‘Lucifer’ and More Pilots Leak

As CBS’ Supergirl and others caught the brunt of earlier this year, TV’s pilot season has been increasingly difficult to keep under wraps, assuming you trust the veracity of “leaks” to begin with. In any case, FOX’s Minority Report and Lucifer, along with NBC’s Blindspot and others have officially become the latest victims.
Per Deadline, FOX’s DC-based Lucifer found itself with about 150 different links through piracy channels by Monday, just slightly edged out by FOX’s Minority Report (notable as not having been delivered to critics like other pilots).

Monday, August 10, 2015

‘Arrow’ Season 4 Adds ‘True Blood’ Alum Rutina Wesley and ‘Enlisted’ Star

The CW’s Arrow hasn’t proven quite so forthcoming with its Season 4 plot, though the fourth outing for Oliver Queen and co. has even more fresh blood in store. True Blood alum and Hannibal star Rutina Wesley will recur through Arrow Season 4 in an important role, while Enlisted vet Parker Young will get speedy with Thea Queen this year.
The Wrap reported news of Wesley’s multi-episode Season 4 arc, though apparently without actual word of who the True Blood BFF-turned-vamp will portray. At the very least, we know from ET Online that Young will arrive in Starling City as Alex Davis, a smart and driven young man working for Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), and potential love interest to Thea. Just … keep him away from the DJ booth.

Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Fantastic Four’ Is a Fantastic Flop

Fantastic Four was the subject of bad buzz before it even started shooting. No one outside of the higher-ups at 20th Century Fox wanted this movie. The internet hated it from the moment it was announced. Then came the various delays. And the massive reshoots. And the toxic reviews and a disastrous press tour. It all climaxed when director Josh Trank joined the chorus of critics, effectively shooting down his own movie. And yet, everyone assumed the film would still open okay because that’s what superhero movies, even the bad ones, tend to do. Well, not this time.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

‘Pacific Rim 2’ and ‘Haunted Mansion’ Updates From Guillermo del Toro

Guillermo del Toro is a director who constantly has several projects on the table, and while that may seem odd to some, it’s actually a smart approach. Take Martin Scorsese, for instance, who always has many projects under consideration. Del Toro currently has a handful of films in the works, but only a couple that are moving forward for the time being: Pacific Rim 2 and his long-gestating Haunted Mansion.

‘Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2’ Is Really Happening, Now Has a Director

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2 seems like one of the more unlikely sequel developments in recent years, but perhaps Paramount is seizing on the increased popularity of Jeremy Renner…or something. Like many commercial directors before him, Bruno Aveillan will leap from TV commercials to commercial filmmaking, as he’s just been tapped to helm the new sequel.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

‘23 Jump Street’ Will Be Produced (Not Directed) by Phil Lord and Chris Miller

We’ve known for some time now that original Jump Street writing / directing duo Phil Lord and Chris Miller would be involved with 23 Jump Street, but given their increasingly busy schedules, it seemed less and less likely that they’d find time to direct it. Turns out that’s definitely the case, as the pair will merely be involved as producers on the upcoming sequel.

‘Game of Thrones’ Star David Bradley Confirms Walder Frey’s Return, But When?

Even Game of Thrones’ worst villains have a tendency to get their comeuppance, and few have gone unpunished as long as David Bradley’s Red Wedding mastermind Walder Frey. Now, with Season 6 on the horizon, Bradley confirms that Walder Frey will return, but does a new casting report pinpoint the coming year?

Friday, August 7, 2015

‘Captain America: Civil War’ Will Reportedly Kill This Marvel Character

We’d previously heard early rumors that a major player will die in Captain America: Civil War  — you can’t really have a Civil War without major stakes, so that’s not terribly surprising. Today’s latest rumor suggests that at least one other Marvel character will perish in the upcoming film, which pits Captain America against Iron Man and forces the Avengers to choose a side.

‘Gambit’ Eyes Lea Seydoux, Rebecca Ferguson and Abbey Lee for Lead Role

Last week, when news broke that Channing Tatum might be leaving Gambit, there was a little extra piece of news that you may not have noticed while you were panicking: Tatum was in the midst of testing opposite potential leading ladies, including Spectre star Lea Seydoux. 20th Century Fox has a couple of other interesting names on their lead actress short list, including Rebecca Ferguson, who just kicked all of the ass in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation.

Ed Sheeran to Replace Justin Bieber at U.K. Fusion Festival

Following Justin Bieber's canceling his Aug. 28 set at the Fusion Festival in Birmingham, England, earlier this week, Ed Sheeran is stepping in as a replacement. 
Sheeran announced the news on Twitter Thursday, "I know I said Wembley was my last UK show of this tour but my mate had a cancellation on his festival so I'm filling in last minute." The concert benefits the Prince's Trust youth charity. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

That Insane ‘Sleepy Hollow’ and ‘Bones’ Crossover Moved Up to Halloween

Not that either couldn’t use the publicity, but the notion of FOX’s supernatural Sleepy Hollow crossing over with the science-minded Bones struck an odd note for fans of either series. The network had originally though to stage the two-hour event later in the season, perhaps even 2016, but has apparently gotten jazzed up enough to move the crossover as early as Halloween.

Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, Tom Cruise and More Top Highest-Paid Actors of 2015 List

It should hardly come as a surprise that guys like Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith and Tom Cruise are among the highest-paid actors in the world. For his part, Downey Jr. is one of the biggest stars in the biggest movie franchise, while Cruise churns out one blockbuster after another, and the very presence of Smith commands huge box office returns. Predictability aside, there are some surprises on this year’s list of the highest-paid actors in the world.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Holy Three-Eyed Raven, ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 Casts Max von Sydow!

Well, if ever we showed disappointment with Game of Thrones Season 6 snoozing its way through Comic-Con without a hint of casting, the world of Westeros is more than making up for it. On the heels of adding Ian McShane, Game of Thrones has added Star Wars star and the all-around prolific Max von Sydow to the cast, and we actually know his role!
According to Entertainment Weekly, the revered Sydow will appear as someone we’ve already met, replacing actor Struan Roger as the Three-Eyed Raven glimpsed in Season 4 finale “The Children.” We’ve known that Isaac Hempstead-Wright’s Bran would return in Season 6, following the character’s absence this past year, and the addition of Sydow as Bran’s Greenseeing tutor casts a large shadow on the character’s significance this year.

‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Set Photo Teases Storm Watching a Storm Over Cairo

X-Men: Apocalypse is spending some time shooting in Cairo (or whatever stands in for Cairo), which is not only the place where the big bad Apocalypse resides, but where Storm herself was raised. Director Bryan Singer previously teased Storm’s origin story in a recent set photo, and the latest update from set reiterates that idea with a photo of Storm gazing out at a storm over Cairo.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

‘The Crow’ Reboot May Be Dead Following Relativity Media Bankruptcy

Earlier this week we learned that Relativity Media declared bankruptcy, as the studio reportedly owes on several past projects and is unable to pay up. That puts the future of many of their projects — completed and not — in question, including the repeatedly delayed Jane Got a Gun, as well as the reboot of The Crow. Both movies appear to be cursed.
While Natalie Portman’s Jane Got a Gun will likely be okay and will eventually hit theaters early next year (last scheduled for this fall), Corin Hardy’s reboot of The Crow is a big question mark. The project has gone through a parade of directors and actors, but had finally gotten off the ground recently with the hiring of Hardy, whom fellow director Edgar Wright reportedly personally recommended for the project.

‘Spider-Man’ Reboot Will Not Be Another Origin Story, Thank Goodness

With Marvel and Sony’s deal firmly in place to reboot Spider-Man yet again, one of our primary concerns has always been with the possibility of having to sit through yet another Spidey origin story. But we can all breathe a sigh of relief as the writers of the new reboot have confirmed that we will not have to endure a retelling of how Peter Parker became the web-slinging hero.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Spider-Man Already Filmed His ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Cameo

Well that was fast — though not entirely surprising. Captain America: Civil War has been filming for a few months now, and various set photos have confirmed that the film is basically Avengers 2.5, featuring just about every major player in the MCU. One of those characters will be our new Spider-Man, Tom Holland, who is set to make a cameo in the film ahead of his solo Spidey movie.

Lucy Lawless Updates on ‘Xena’ Reboot: ‘NBC Wants to Do It’

A few weeks ago, the surprising news that NBC wanted to stage a Xena reboot of sorts was quickly shot down by Lucy Lawless herself, dismissing it as just a rumor. Now, Lawless acknowledges that the network may yet pull it off, but would she take part, or potentially throw the chakram herself?

‘Deadpool’ Will Debut Two Trailers Next Week

Although 20th Century Fox never released the Deadpool footage screened at Comic-Con, Ryan Reynolds assured fans that we’d see the first footage in a few weeks. And now we know exactly when and where we’ll get to see that footage, as not one, but two official Deadpool trailers will drop next week.