Thursday, March 26, 2015

Might Taylor Swift Be Dating Calvin Harris?

 It has been a while since we’ve had a Taylor Swift dating rumor to obsess over. There was a brief drizzle in November, when she was pictured a few times withAnsel Elgort, and a more sustained rain storm when she traded numbers with the lead singer of The 1975 and attended a few of his concerts, but now—now, friends—it appears we have a full-on downpour. (We hope we are making all of our past English teachers proud with this extended Taylor Swift dating-rumors-as-rain metaphor.)
There had been some speculation over the past few weeks that Swift might be romantically entangled, as it were, with Scottish D.J. Calvin Harris. Last week, she reportedly traveled to Vegas—along with friends Ellie Goulding and the Haim sisters—to watch Harris perform. And this comes on the tails of the reports last month that the pair were “chatting closely” at the Universal BRITs after-party in London.
And now we have grainy photos! These were apparently taken in Nashville, posted to Twitter Wednesday. Now, there is absolutely no way of knowing with any certainty, obviously, what is going on here, between them, but we have some thoughts and questions . . .
1) Why are they dressed exactly the same?!?!?! We can’t even really focus on anything else going on because we’re so distracted by their seemingly coordinated outfits! Their tops are exactly the same color, right? This must have been planned? Or, if it wasn’t, you just know Swift is going to figure out a way to work “we had on matching dark-green-or-maybe-they’re-gray-it’s-hard-to-tell shirts” into a song someday.
2) Could this just be two artists collaborating on music together? Swift has never gone full E.D.M. (“I Knew You Were Trouble” was as close as it gets), so perhaps that’s all that’s going on here (Harris did just work with Haim, close Swift allies).
3) What is in Calvin Harris’s bag? Cat food for Meredith and Olivia? A pair of aviator sunglasses? (“Never can have too many of these,” we can see him saying, with a grin, checking himself out in the mirror.) Their cell phones? (“Let’s just put our phones away—in this bag—so we can really connect, just spiritually.” — you can decide which of them is saying that, in this imagined scenario.)
4) Of all the things about Taylor Swift that we are in awe of (and they are many), one of the most incredible to us is that she finds time to date! She is friends with basically every celebrity out there, she is the biggest pop star in the world (one about to go on tour, at that), and yet she still manages to find time to traipse around parking lots (or wherever this walkabout is that’s happening) with Armani underwear models. (We’re just trying to say we find her time-management skills very impressive. Your blogger has been, ridiculously, postponing the same doctor’s appointment for four weeks now because he’s “just so crazed.” Taylor Swift would have found a way to make that doctor’s appointment.)

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