Monday, March 2, 2015

Sharknado : When a freak tornado swamps Los Angeles

A freak cyclone hits Los Angeles causing man-eating sharks to be scooped up in water spouts and flood the city with shark-infested seawater. Surfer and bar-owner Fin (Ziering) sets out with his friends, Baz (Simmons), Nova (Scerbo) and George (Heard), to rescue his estranged wife, April (Reid), and teenage daughter Claudia (Aubrey Peeples) after the bar and boardwalk is destroyed in flooding. While heading to April's home, the group stop in a freeway to save people as flooding causes sharks to attack. George is killed and the group learns of a tornado warning. They arrive at April's house just before the first floor is flooded and shark-infested. Collin (Christopher Wolfe) April's boyfriend is eaten by sharks, but the rest of the group escape unharmed.

Afterwards, a Hollywood sign is blown down by strong winds, crushing the driver of a school bus. Fin stops the car to save the kids stuck in the bus from the assaulting sharks. While Fin is driving the bus, a shark lands on top of the car and rips the roof off. Fin's hand is cut and the group abandons the car before it explodes. They rent another car and meet up with Fin and April's son Matt (Chuck Hittinger), who's taking shelter at his flight school. As the tornado hits, his instructor is sucked out. They borrow equipment from a nearby storage and Matt and Nova become attracted to each other. Matt and Nova decide to stop the threat of the incoming "sharknadoes" by tossing bombs into them from a helicopter.
As Nova fights off a shark that had latched onto the helicopter, she falls out of the helicopter and directly into another shark's mouth. Matt is heartbroken. Baz is also lost in the storm along with two friends of Matt. Matt's bombing mission is ultimately successful — the sharknadoes dissipate, and the sharks begin to plummet toward the ground. After Matt lands his helicopter, a falling shark flies directly toward the remaining members of the group. Fin jumps into its mouth with a chainsaw and cuts his way out. He emerges carrying an unconscious but otherwise unharmed Nova. Matt is reunited with Nova and Fin gets back together with April

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