Sunday, March 1, 2015

This ‘Game Of Thrones’ Opera Cover Just Gave Us Chills

And no, it's not because winter is coming.
The “Game of Thrones” theme doesn’t have lyrics — or does it?
Forte Tenors, a classical a cappella trio from “America’s Got Talent,” has released an operatic twist on the “Game of Thrones” theme song, and it is awesome. Plus, there are lyrics! We think. Actually, we have no idea if those are actually real words or just gibberish, but WHO CARES. It may even make the long, terrible wait until April 12 bearable.
What’s that you feel? The cold, blistering cry of winter? HELL NO. That’s just the chill you feel from listening to hot guys (who actually look like Jon Snow!) sing a cappella. Plus, the video is an incredible homage to the series.
Guys, there are legit castles, and horses, swords and dragon eggs. Like, WTF. Where in the Seven Kingdoms is this majestic AF place, and when can we book our tickets?

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